Character Profiles

The Greasers

The Greaser Dogs, or Greasers for short, consist of Clifford "Cliff" Maurice Feltbottom, Shriek DuBois, and Ignatius "Lube" McDog. Behind the scenes, the gang itself is supposedly named after a 50's subculture composed of "greasers" - young males sporting leather jackets over white "wife beater" shirts (notice Cliff dresses exactly like that), with their hair greased back in a trademark fashion (see the Wikipedia article on greasers for more info). On the show, the Greaser gang is thusly named because they love to get down and dirty in any way possible, especially by pounding CatDog. The rules of the Greasers are simple: "No cats! No two-headed freaks! Dogs only!" Any other rules don't apply to them, and they'll let everybody know it!

The Greasers are all canines (well, Lube is mostly canine, anyway), and for the most part cannot stand cats. Cat, is of course, a cat. He is also attached to Dog, which in their opinion puts the canine world to shame. So Cliff, Shriek, and Lube will take every chance they can get to beat the crud out of them both, using any technique necessary.

Cliff is your typical schoolyard-type bully, with a not-so-typical soft underbelly. He takes ballet lessons, as well as square-dancing. He likes the feel of cashmere against his skin. He has a teddy bear under his jacket he likes to cuddle when he's nervous. He wears a huge retainer at night. To top it all off, he also has a "slight bladder control problem." He hides all this considerably well under his gruff exterior. He likes giving wedgies, lifting weights, showing off his strength, being mean to the general public, and, of course, pounding CatDog. When he's not doing those things, he works as the gym teacher at Nearburg School, the previous job of his father. When he was young, Cliff was one of the most popular kids at school, and one of the biggest bullies. Cliff's relatives include his parents (who are just as nasty as him), his young nephew, Biff (who attends Nearburg School, and is also very mean), and his baby niece (reffered to by Cat as "Little Missy" or "Little Miss") who hates cats. Cat is positively scared of Cliff, and with good reason: where Cat has little to no muscle-power, Cliff has more than enough for the both of them. Surprisingly, Cliff respects Dog more than Cat because, well, they're fellow canines. Cliff has been known to call a truce with CatDog just so Dog can be one of the gang. This usually doesn't last long, because Dog would sooner be loyal to his brother first and to other dogs second.

CatDog Trivia Book Tidbits

Purpose in Life
Pounding CatDog.

Favorite Activity
Pounding CatDog.

Favorite Song
"Beat Cat up at the ball game, beat Cat up in the crowd..."


"Youse two is cruisin' for a double bruisin'!"
"I like the chasing, but I really love the pounding!"

Shriek is a pushy, physically-oriented, squinty-eyed, screechy-voiced tomboy. A poodle gone wrong, she grew up in the lap of luxury, but her father's rebellious side kicked in and she's mostly been with the Greasers ever since. Despite the fact she's the toughest member, she also has a softer side. She has to wear extremely thick glasses for reading at night. She once lived her dream to be a figure skater. She owns pink bootie pajamas. And if you ever saw her room at the Greaser hangout, you'd see she is actually pretty feminine. She has the most complicated issues as a Greaser because she has a huge crush on Dog! When she pounds CatDog, it's always Cat, never Dog. What's weird is, aside from the fact that Dog is oblivious to Shriek's feelings, Cat has a secret crush on Shriek: she's rich, kind of cute, sassy, and pretty feisty. Shriek has a niece named Squeak who hangs out with Biff and attends Nearburg School, and she's just like her aunt, only more girly. Shriek's mom is a typical yuppie, while her dad is somewhat absent-minded (yet always finds himself locked up in prison for unknown reasons). Don't be fooled, though-- Shriek is not only the toughest Greaser, she is also the smartest. (Not to mention the shortest, but don't tell her I said that. She's got a nasty temper!)

CatDog Trivia Book Tidbits

Favorite Sport

Biggest Secret Revealed
She's a girl.

Secretly Loves

Secretly Loved By

Not-So-Secretly Hates


"What a hunk o' hound!"
"The only thing worse than a cat is a dog that hangs around with a cat!" (Pfft... please. We all know that's just talk, Shriek.)

Lube is the confused, "lovable oaf" of the Greasers trio. He's pretty stupid, saying "DUH" every few seconds, but he's an expert at car repair (he runs his own garage), and even possesses a few other obscure talents that would shock you. He considers pounding CatDog the only thing that makes life worth "a dollar-eighty." His strongest quality is his sense of loyalty; he knows who his friends are and who isn't. He has an interesting background-- his father is a dog, his mother is a cat, and he even has a sister (whom all live in the hillbillie town of Yokelburg)! He also has an extremely intelligent nerdy nephew named Bartholomew, who attends Nearburg School and hangs out with Biff and Squeak (though he is supposedly not the son of Lube's sister). Lube certainly is an enigma for someone with the I.Q. of creamed spinach or lower, but when I questioned this with Peter Hannan via e-mail, he replied that if he were to reveal Lube's secrets, the greasy guy would sue mercilessly.

CatDog Trivia Book Tidbits

Purpose in Life
Uh, he can't remember.

Best Use of His Head
Oiling machines.

Favorite Victim
Dat, uh, Cat with da Dog.

Biggest Secrets Revealed
He has a beautiful singing voice and speaks perfect Spanish.


"Yeah, heh, heh... what they said."
"Duh, what do ya think I am, stupid or somethin'?"
"Duh, how do you spell, uh, 'Lube?'"

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"CatDog" and all related entities are copyright Nickelodeon and are created by Peter Hannan; used without permission. Everything else is property of their respective owners. The Amazing CatDog Website is property of Melissa E.M., a.k.a. TunyaBiscuit, 2004 - 2010.