Hello, and welcome to The Amazing CatDog Website! We are dedicated to preserving the memory of one of Nickelodeon's older, yet one of the most unique, cartoons they ever aired: CatDog! We are also dedicated to the fans, providing them with content that will stir up their own memories of CatDog, and possibly encourage them to create content of their own to be featured on the site for the benefit of still more CatDog fans.
I, the webmaster, was surprisingly not always a fan of CatDog. I used to think it was a disgusting show, only because I was grossed out at the idea of a cat and a dog being biologically fused together. I also couldn't understand - much like everyone else - how they went to the bathroom, and that disturbed me even more. However, the show still managed to intrigue me, and with repeated viewings, it managed to grow on me. I began seeing where the true humor of the show came from, and I grew to appreciate the emotional parts of it as well. I also appreciated the lessons it taught about how people who are different are not very different at all, and that they deserve as much respect as anyone else. But what got to me most of all was the love shared between Cat and Dog themselves. You could never find a closer pair of brothers, literally and figuratively speaking.
It may be just a cartoon, but CatDog has had a similar impact on other fans, mostly those who were active in the fandom years ago. Those who don't take it so much to heart, however, still find the show delightfully funny, and so are not excluded from this site's demographic.
I hope you other CatDog fans out there find this site helpful, informative, and entertaining. And remember: CATDOG FOREVER!
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"CatDog" and all related entities are copyright Nickelodeon and are created by Peter Hannan; used without permission. Everything else is property of their respective owners. The Amazing CatDog Website is property of Melissa E.M., a.k.a. TunyaBiscuit, 2004 - 2010.